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skforecast.ForecasterAutoregCustom.ForecasterAutoregCustom(regressor, fun_predictors, window_size)

This class turns any regressor compatible with the scikit-learn API into a recursive (multi-step) forecaster with a custom function to create predictors.

  • regressor (any regressor compatible with the scikit-learn API) An instance of a regressor compatible with the scikit-learn API.
  • fun_predictors (Callable) Function that takes a time series window as an argument and returns an np.array with the predictors associated with that window.
  • window_size (int) Size of the window needed by fun_predictors to create the predictors.
  • exog_shape (tuple) Shape of exog used in training.
  • exog_type (type) Type used for the exogenous variable/s.
  • fun_predictors (Callable) Function that takes a time series window as an argument and returns an np.array with the predictors associated with that window.
  • in_sample_residuals (np.ndarray) Residuals of the model when predicting training data. Only stored up to 1000 values.
  • included_exog (bool) If the forecaster has been trained using exogenous variable/s.
  • last_window (1D np.ndarray) Last time window the forecaster has seen when trained. It stores the values needed to calculate the predictors for the next step after the training data.
  • out_sample_residuals (np.ndarray) Residuals of the model when predicting non training data. Only stored up to 1000 values.
  • regressor (regressor compatible with the scikit-learn API) An instance of a regressor compatible with the scikit-learn API.
  • window_size (int) Size of the window needed by fun_predictors to create the predictors.
  • __repr__() (str) Information displayed when a ForecasterAutoregCustom object is printed.
  • create_train_X_y(y, exog) (X_train : 2D np.ndarray, shape (len(y) - self.max_lag, len(self.lags))) Create training matrices X, y
  • fit(y, exog) (self : ForecasterAutoregCustom) Training ForecasterAutoregCustom
  • get_coef() (coef : 1D np.ndarray) Return estimated coefficients for the linear regression model stored in the forecaster. Only valid when the forecaster has been trained using as regressor:LinearRegression(),Lasso()orRidge()`.
  • get_feature_importances() (feature_importances : 1D np.ndarray) Return impurity-based feature importances of the model stored in the forecaster. Only valid when the forecaster has been trained using regressor=GradientBoostingRegressor() or regressor=RandomForestRegressor.
  • predict(steps, last_window, exog) (predicciones : 1D np.array, shape (steps,)) Iterative process in which, each prediction, is used as a predictor for the next step.
  • predict_interval(steps, last_window, exog, interval, n_boot, in_sample_residuals) (predictions : np.array, shape (steps, 3)) Iterative process in which, each prediction, is used as a predictor for the next step and bootstrapping is used to estimate prediction intervals. Both, predictions and intervals, are returned.
  • set_out_sample_residuals(residuals) (self) Set new values to the attribute out_sample_residuals. Out of sample residuals are meant to be calculated using observations that did not participate in the training process.
  • set_params(**params) (self) Set new values to the parameters of the scikit learn model stored in the ForecasterAutoregCustom.
__repr__() → str

Information displayed when a ForecasterAutoregCustom object is printed.

create_train_X_y(y, exog=None)

Create training matrices X, y

  • y (1D np.ndarray, pd.Series) Training time series.
  • exog (np.ndarray, pd.Series, pd.DataFrame, default `None`) Exogenous variable/s included as predictor/s. Must have the same number of observations as y and should be aligned so that y[i] is regressed on exog[i].
Returns (X_train : 2D np.ndarray, shape (len(y) - self.max_lag, len(self.lags)))

2D array with the training values (predictors).

ain : 1D np.ndarray, shape (len(y) - self.max_lag,) Values (target) of the time series related to each row of X_train.

fit(y, exog=None)

Training ForecasterAutoregCustom

  • y (1D np.ndarray, pd.Series) Training time series.
  • exog (np.ndarray, pd.Series, pd.DataFrame, default `None`) Exogenous variable/s included as predictor/s. Must have the same number of observations as y and should be aligned so that y[i] is regressed on exog[i].
Returns (self : ForecasterAutoregCustom)

Trained ForecasterAutoregCustom

predict(steps, last_window=None, exog=None)

Iterative process in which, each prediction, is used as a predictor for the next step.

Returns (predicciones : 1D np.array, shape (steps,))

Values predicted.

predict_interval(steps, last_window=None, exog=None, interval=[5, 95], n_boot=500, in_sample_residuals=True)

Iterative process in which, each prediction, is used as a predictor for the next step and bootstrapping is used to estimate prediction intervals. Both, predictions and intervals, are returned.

Returns (predictions : np.array, shape (steps, 3))

Values predicted by the forecaster and their estimated interval. Column 0 = predictions Column 1 = lower bound interval Column 2 = upper bound interval


More information about prediction intervals in forecasting: Forecasting: Principles and Practice (2nd ed) Rob J Hyndman and George Athanasopoulos.


Set new values to the parameters of the scikit learn model stored in the ForecasterAutoregCustom.

  • params (dict) Parameters values.

Set new values to the attribute out_sample_residuals. Out of sample residuals are meant to be calculated using observations that did not participate in the training process.

  • params (1D np.ndarray) Values of residuals. If len(residuals) > 1000, only a random sample of 1000 values are stored.

Return estimated coefficients for the linear regression model stored in the forecaster. Only valid when the forecaster has been trained using as regressor:LinearRegression(),Lasso()orRidge()`.

Returns (coef : 1D np.ndarray)

Value of the coefficients associated with each predictor. Coefficients are aligned so that coef[i] is the value associated with predictor i returned by self.create_predictors.


Return impurity-based feature importances of the model stored in the forecaster. Only valid when the forecaster has been trained using regressor=GradientBoostingRegressor() or regressor=RandomForestRegressor.

Returns (feature_importances : 1D np.ndarray)

Impurity-based feature importances associated with each predictor. Values are aligned so that feature_importances[i] is the value associated with predictor i returned by self.create_predictors.